Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Anxiety and Depression Medications

I have taken more of these than i can count, over the years. Some worked...for a while. Some did nothing at all. Some made me feel like shit. None...really worked all that well, and lately, ive been taking four different medications, prescribed by my doctor. I am completely weaned off of two of them, and I am working on phasing out another, just leaving the one. Its experimental, and I DO NOT recommend doing this without consulting a medical professional. Ive been doing this for so long now, and when I decide to discontinue something, i do it safely. Dont ever quit a medication cold turkey, unless that is your doctors orders. Im just tired of spending money on these, and jamming them through my liver, for nothing at all. Im gonna try a natural regimen for a while and see what I think. And no, im not one of "those people". I believe in science, not some hippy witch doctor. And if I need to get back on any of these medications, i can get a refill within hours, so I have a back up plan, or see my doctor and try something else. Im not against these medications, by any means. I just want something that works.

During times like this, I need to save money, and I had already been wondering for years now, why I even bother taking these every day. And I dont want any unnecessary doctors visits at the moment, for obvious reasons. Anyways, take care, be safe, and keep chasing happiness.

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