Sunday, February 16, 2020

Mental Health And Parenting

So, I mentioned the other day something about missing my son, and there's some reasons for that. He is 11, and his mom and I split up 10 years ago, so I have always been sad that I don't get to be a "full time" dad. I just never got over it. If I didn't see him for 2-3 days I would really miss him, and we've always been very close. I always feared the day where he wouldn't be a little boy anymore and wouldn't want to snuggle up and watch movies anymore and stuff like that. Well, that day seemed to come virtually overnight. He is in 5th grade, he has his buddies from school, like I did at his age. He doesn't want to feel obligated to hang out with me all weekend, every weekend anymore like he used to, and irritatingly, I get it. Weekends are his free time.
Not everyone will be able to relate to this, and here is why I think that is. He is my only kid, and I have never been married. In fact, due to my social anxiety and probably depression as well, I have had very few relationships, and even fewer serious ones. The longest being around 5-6 years ago and only lasted about 2 years. Most people my age have been in a 10 year relationship, or longer. Opening up to someone is hard for me, and I really have no idea how to keep something like that going, which may sound rediculous to you. We are all so different. I still have hope for the future, because sometimes I think that's all we have, and we can't ever let it go.

What I'm listening to today

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