Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Being Open About Mental Health. Good Or Bad?

I have lived with depression and anxiety as long as I can remember. I can remember being confused about it as a young child. I never told my parents, I wouldn't have known what to say anyways. I don't how serious they would have taken it, considering they were the main cause of it.

Recently, I have to decided to "come out of the closet" about my mental health by telling the few family members that i am close to these days, which is pretty much my two sisters, my brother, my aunt, and my sons mom. I have kept it to myself this whole time, mostly, until now I have only ever told a select few friends. I was scared of the response that I would get. My family can be pretty close minded and judgemental, and I didnt want a negative response. But, I had to tell them. I had to educate them on why I am the way I am. They had to suspect that at least something was wrong with me, and I didn't want them to jump to any conclusions, like thinking I was a drug addict or something. 

The conclusion. It went fairly well. Mostly positive feedback and encouragement, and it seems that this will actually bring us closer, which is what I was hoping for. After keeping it to myself for so fucking long, it feels pretty good to bring this out in the open. I dont look for sympathy, I just want people to understand. 

What I'm listening to today

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